Sunday, 7 August 2016

How Cool Is The Art Direction On These Ads For Earth Hour?

Leo Burnett Sydney wanted to raise awareness for climate change and motivate people to switch off their lights for Earth Hour. They came up with a brilliant campaign consisting of three print/outdoor ads that show Australian landscapes on a 1/12 portion of a clock, representing one hour. One half shows diverse bushland, healthy farms and beautiful reefs and the other half shows bushfires, drought and dead coral. The hour hand of the clock divides the two landscapes and the tagline reads “One hour can help make a big difference.” Check out the ads below.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Beautiful 3D Animations Of ’90s Gadgets Made With Cinema 4D, After Effects And Photoshop

Step into nostalgia with these gorgeous isometric animations of ’90s electronic items from French illustrator and animator Guillaume Kurkdjian . Made using Cinema 4D, V-Ray, After Effects and Photoshop, Kurkdjian has managed to replicate every tiny detail of these technological milestones including the ‘bounce’ of their open/close mechanisms. The use of material design and choice of colors is spot on as well.
Note: If you’re on a slow connection, give the GIFs some time to load.